Brilantte weblog
Dneska jsem dostala od Renaty Wood ocenění mého blogu a moc si toho vážím.
S radostí pošlu dál a to:
Today I have received this award from Renata Wood. I appreciate it very much. I'd like to gladly pass it on to the following girls:
Olga Unger
Lilly Design Studio
Damayanti Studio
Lencula scrap
S radostí pošlu dál a to:
Today I have received this award from Renata Wood. I appreciate it very much. I'd like to gladly pass it on to the following girls:
Olga Unger
Lilly Design Studio
Damayanti Studio
Lencula scrap
2 komentářů:
Thank you so much for this!!!You are so sweet!!!
I'll put your blog into my blog :)
Thank you very much!
I am so happy and proud that you have nominated my blog. But this is my first blog. Unfortunately I have a problem - I can not log in. That is why I had to do it again. My new blog is I will appreciate it in case you change the links.